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Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences
Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences

Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences

Doç. Dr. Yasin İpek (Head of Department)

There are 8 departments under the Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences.

Main Department
Name Surname
Department of Religious Education

Department of Philosophy of Religion

Department of Sociology of Religion
Doç. Dr. Ümit Harun Akkaya
Department of Psychology of Religion
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Mustafa Tural
Department of History of Religions
Doç. Dr. Yasin İpek (Head of Department)
Department of Islamic Philosophy
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Halide YENEN
Department of History of Philosophy

Department of Logic


Philosophy of Religion, as a discipline in which different courses and discussion topics in the field of theology intersect with each other and philosophical-theological problems are addressed in a systematic manner, aims to teach students who have taken courses such as tafsir, hadith, fiqh and kalam in the field of basic Islamic sciences; logic, history of philosophy and Islamic philosophy in the field of philosophy to analyze the knowledge they have and the relationships between them from a philosophical perspective. Philosophy of Religion, which offers a rational, objective, comprehensive, coherent and critical approach to the philosophical foundations of different religious beliefs, enables students to have a tolerant understanding. Again, the main objectives of Philosophy of Religion are to enable students to evaluate classical and modern literature with a broad perspective by revealing the vivid philosophical connection between many problems that are at the center of contemporary Philosophy of Religion debates, such as reason-faith, revelation, the existence and attributes of God, the relationship between God and the universe-human, morality, the source of morality, the problem of evil, and the relationship between religion and science, and similar problems that have been previously discussed in the classical Islamic tradition of thought.


Sociology of religion is a discipline that deals with the formation and effects of social behavior in connection with the reflections of religion in society. Religious social behavior of people is the object of sociology of religion. In this respect, religion is of interest to sociologists of religion as long as it is a social phenomenon. Sociology of religion tries to examine the social aspect of religion, the interaction of religion and society, social phenomena and religious groups, and thus to determine the place and importance of religion in the life of society by addressing religious events as social phenomena.

Psychology of Religion is a branch of science that tries to understand and explain the feelings, thoughts and imaginations in the religious life of the individual with its own methods and techniques. The subject of Psychology of Religion is not religion per se. In other words, it is not interested in the truth or falsity of religion. It investigates the human being in the context of his/her relationship with his/her faith and focuses on the individual aspect of religion. In short, Psychology of Religion does not investigate religion but individual religious life. In this context, it deals with topics such as psychological sources of individual religiosity, religious belief, worship and prayer, individual religious development, the relationship between religiosity and spirituality, religious change, dimensions and forms of religiosity, religious coping, the relationship between religiosity and mental health. A student who takes this course is expected to be able to better understand the feelings, thoughts and behaviors of himself/herself and those around him/her, and therefore to be able to approach different beliefs and values more objectively and tolerantly by getting rid of some stereotypical evaluations about his/her religious life.


History of Religions is a branch of science that examines religions by showing place and time, and includes comparisons while making these examinations. History of Religions is defined according to “historical studies” and “comparative studies”. According to historical studies, History of Religions is a discipline that examines religions in the historical course from their birth and development to their beliefs, worship, morals, etc. by using history and philology methods; according to comparative studies, it is a branch of science that comparatively deals with the similar, different and common features of religions with other religions. All religions that have appeared on the stage of history are the subject of the History of Religions. History of Religions deals with the principles of religions, their origins and developments, and makes comparisons between the phenomena of religions.


Religious Education Science is a branch of science that scientifically investigates the religious dimension of educational reality. In other words, it is a scientific discipline that tries to examine, describe, explain and control the process of religious education. The subject of the science of religious education is the reality of religious education, which is the subject of scientific research. The science of religious education investigates the teachability of religion and why, how, where, with which tools and materials it can be taught. The field of the science of religious education covers the human-God relationship and the rules, principles and advice related to it, and in this sense, it deals with the whole of human existence. In doing so, it evaluates the dimensions of history, present and future together. The aim of the science of religious education is to try to describe, explain and control the reality of religious education in all its dimensions by using scientific methods and techniques.


Mantık bilimi, insanı düşünme ve düşündüklerini ifade etmede hatadan koruyan bir sanat/bilim olarak tarif edilmiştir. Bireyin kendi kendine ve çevresiyle hareket noktasının en temel alanıyla ilgilendiği için Müslüman filozoflar mantığı “ilimleri başı” veya “ilimlerin hizmetkarı” olarak da isimlendirmişlerdir. Onları bu türden isimlendirmelere götüren sebep, mantık olmaksızın sağlam bir düşünme ve ifade/hareket noktasının daima hataya teşne olacağı mülahazasıdır. Bundan dolayı Müslüman bilginler, temeli Antik Yunan filozofları tarafından ortaya konulmuş ve sistemleştirilmiş olan bu bilime gereken önemi vermişler ve kendi kültür havzalarında hem diğer İslâm ilimlerinin hem de Batı düşünce geleneğinin faydalanabileceği devasa bir imkan/çalışma ve üretme alanını miras bırakmışlardır. Müslüman filozoflardan Kindî, Fârâbî, İbn Sînâ, İbn Rüşd, İbn Hazm, Gazali, Fahru’d-Dîn er-Râzî, Tûsî, Huneci gibi bilginlerin öncelikle mantıkçı olduklarını söylemek yerinde olur. Adı zikredilen bilginlerin en temel başyapıtlarının mantık eserleri olduğu rahatlıkla söylenebilir. Dolayısıyla mantık bilimi, Müslüman filozofların çalışmaları ile bilimler nezdindeki önemini kaybetmemiş, bilakis daha önce hiç tartışılmamış spesifik konuların ortaya konulup tartışılmasıyla müstesna yerini daima korumuştur.


İslam felsefesi anabilim dalı, tarihsel süreç içerisinde İslam coğrafyasında yaşayan filozofların ortaya koymuş olduğu felsefi öğretileri konu edinir. Bu disiplin, İslam düşüncesinin rasyonel bir zeminde anlaşılmasını hedefler. İslam felsefesinin konusu, felsefenin konusu olan her şeydir. Buradan hareketle varlık, bilgi, ahlak, metafizik, siyaset vb. alanlarda İslam felsefesinin üretimlerinin bulunduğunu söylemek mümkündür. İslam felsefesinin yöntemi, mantık, akıl yürütme ve felsefi analiz üzerine kuruludur. İslam düşünce geleneğinde önemli filozoflar ve düşünürler, klasik metinlerin yorumlanması ve felsefi tartışmalar yoluyla İslam felsefesine katkıda bulunmuşlardır. Bu disiplin, genellikle felsefe tarihini, İslam felsefesi ve çağdaş İslam düşüncesini anlama ve değerlendirme amacı güder. İslam felsefesi söz konusu olduğunda onun önemli temsilcileri arasında Kindi, Farabi, İbn Sina, Gazzali, İbn Rüşd, Sühreverdi gibi isimleri zikretmek gerekmektedir. Fakültemizde İslam felsefesi anabilim dalında üç öğretim üyesi ile iki araştırma görevlisi bulunmaktadır.


The Department of History of Philosophy, which examines all intellectual activities aimed at examining, justifying and system building around the problems related to existence, knowledge and values throughout the history of thought with rational and critical methods, aims to enable students to recognize East-West thought and civilizations, and thus to make accurate comparisons by accurately identifying the intellectual sources on which Islamic thought and civilization is based. Aiming to reveal the changes that philosophical thought has undergone over time, this department examines the source, nature, characteristics, course of development and philosophical systems of ancient Greek thought and culture, taking into account the thoughts of the East (Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, India and Iran), and tries to reveal their connections with the Middle Ages (Europe and Islam), the New Age and today. In this context, History of Ancient Philosophy, History of Modern Philosophy, History of Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophical Movements, Astronomy and Space Sciences are taught at the undergraduate level.